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O u r   P r o d u c t s  -  T r a i l e r s

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An indispensable tool of mechanized harvesting but also. . .
a multi-functioning trailer for daily agricultural activity

L.gif (197 octets)he use of several boxes brought on the location of the harvest allows continuous harvesting and a delivery straight from the warehouse avoiding any loss of time thus diminishing investments in labour and equipment.

suffice to accomplish this.
Moreover, thanks to the use of different boxes adapted to miscellaneous jobs, the daily exploitation of the
AGRICAISSON trailer increases performance and becomes successively a tool carrier, a cistern for liquid ameliorators or seeding boxes.

DALBY: the absolute mastering of concept
and technology.

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A.gif (192 octets)eyond this principle, the AGRICAISSON remains relatively complex on a manufacturing level in a sense that it is not only about transporting heavy loads but detaching and picking-up caissons, and then putting or emptying them in a tipping position.
Heavy handling implies obviously important load transfers and asks for a perfect mastering on a conceptual and technological level.


The DALBY AGRICAISSON is not a mere trailer on which a hydraulic arm would be attached but a global device answering the demands of all these handlings, security- and reliability-wise.

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