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With its qualities of power, security and ease of use, the
SHM III DALBY sliding bracket system is characterized by its adaptability to load repartition needs imposed by the handling and transporting of variable length caissons.
Indeed this type of bracket brings by its movement latitude an
adjustable centering of the load. Short, medium or long caisson, it is easy in all cases to optimize the position of the truck loading.
Moreover the DALBY sliding bracket is equipped with the best technology: a groove on
anti-wear shoes made of composite material equipped with a powerful jack allowing its coming out loaded. This constitutes a major advantage during the transfer to a trailer or a wagon.

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1.gif (208 octets)SPARE POWER
Ensuring extra power is indispensable for tricky situations.
In any case the installed power only works at 70% of its capacity. This a guarantee of longevity.

3.gif (219 octets)HLE STEEL
High limit elastic steel which constitutes the structure of the SHM III ensures excellent durability with time as well as the best weight/robustness ratio.

This system enables:

  • During the transporting phase: an efficient keying of the caisson (lateral hydraulic locking)
  • During the tipping phase: a rigidity of the rocking-lever/body-bracket assembly increasing overall stability (central locking in position 1)
  • During the handling phase: the fixation of the rocking lever as a frame offers greater handling security (central locking in position 2)
The power transmission organs are top quality:
. hydraulic high pressure
. piston pump
. power jacks with rafter gaskets on rod and cylinder gaskets
. jack pistons in brushed steel to resist wear

4.gif (231 octets)SECURITIES
The SHM III possess no less than
10 functions, active or passive, linked with the different phases of the handling. They guarantee good functioning and prevent mishandlings, thus ensuring security.

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Anti nose-lift hydraulic jacks (6 x 4 only)
This system blocks the suspensions to avoid the rotation of the frame on vehicules equipped with a rocking lever; it prevents the nose-lift of the truck during the loading of the caissons.

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The commands are located in the vehicule so that the driver can effectuate all kinds of handlings from his seat.
By simply pressing the command, the automastism of the hook guarantees their complete opening and closing thus avoiding any mishanding.
For the 6 x 4, the anti nose-lift jacks are coupled to this automatism.


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This locking system allows the quick unmounting of the whole machine and offers the possibility to use other bodies equipped of the same system without being bothered by a useless deadweight.


This hydraulic or pneumatic device allows the use of curb cranes, big volume caissons and others...

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  • Mounting of the device by Twist-Lock
  • Front keying of the caissons
  • Tipping trailer hydraulic circuit
  • Hydraulic circuit for cranes
  • Beam for truck-trail hook mounting
  • trailer hook
  • Wings (metal or PVC)
  • Back-up light
  • Toll kit box